Welcome to our Societies & Club section
Joining your local ancient Egypt Society or club can be a really great adventure. I know that some of you are thinking that you have no spare time. However ask yourself this question “How much do I really know about my ancestors”? If you decide to take the plunge and join a club not only will you be able to meet some really interesting people who share some of your interests. You will also be able to learn about your ancient Egyptian ancestors and be kept updated on current events.
If you find that you do not have a local society or club near you then maybe its time for you to start up your own.
To run a successful club you will need the help and support of a good hard working committee. Make sure that the following positions are filled by people who are keen and willing to take on some responsibility. Below we have listed some guidelines on “How to Set up a new group”. However if you need further information we suggest that you go along to your local library and they should be able to help you find a suitable book, which explains how to set up a Society or Club.
Things to do list
- Write your ideas down on paper
- Find seven hard working ancientegyptamaniac
- Meet up with the above and produce clear aims and objectives for your society/club
- Write a set of membership rules
- Hold first meeting and vote in Chair; Secretary and Treasurer
- At meeting also introduce the clubs agreed aims and objectives and your membership rules: membership fees, frequency of meetings, location of meetings, advertising etc
- Treasurer to open Society/Club account at Bank/Building Society
- Constantly review your clubs aims and objectives to ensure you are always on right track.
The British Egyptological Society Directory (BES)
The BES directory contains an up to date list of ancient Egypt groups and societies running in the United Kingdom. Founded by the Manchester Ancient Egypt Society, the Directory was created to help keep the growing band of UK Egyptological groups informed about each other. It provides details about each society’s officers and membership, its lecture venues, and links to the individual society websites for details of lecture programmes where available.
(Courtesy of Michael & Lyn Oakey and Sussex Egyptology Society)
Click on the link below to have access to BES Directory