Ancient Egyptian Studies


Course title: Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Studies via ZOOM
Start Date: Ongoing
End Date:   Ongoing   
Length of Course: Over a 12 Week period
Lectures: Twelve  90 minute lectures

Course Descriptions:
The aims and objectives of these lectures

These lectures course is to enable students to acquire knowledge relating to the social, cultural and historical background of Ancient Egypt thereby providing a firm foundation in the study of  Egyptology.
Lectures will be taught by a fully qualified and experienced Egyptologist.During these lectures students will learn about the following;
The Land and its Resources and the Peopling of ancient Egypt; Chronology ; Kingship and Religion; Death in ancient Egyptian; ancient Egyptian art; Hieroglyphs and ancient Egyptian script; Knowledge and the ancient Egyptians and Architecture; Life Cycles and Daily Life; Kings and Queens; The Amarna period; Latest Discoveries.                                                                                                                        Furthermore, two group visits will be arranged, these will include a tour of the Egyptian collection housed in the British Museum, and a visit to the Petrie Museum, London. The course will be taught on a Monday evening for two 45 minute session by ZOOM and the teaching will take the form of lectures and discussions accompanied by visual aid presentations.
To book your place please email for more information



Workshop reference No: Ae/WO1 
Course title: ancient Egypt and Neighbours  – The History of Writing
Length of Workshop: 90 minutes
A workshop that provides an overview into the different stages that writing went through before and after it was introduced into the ancient civilisations of ancient Egypt (hieroglyphs) and Mesopotamia (cuneiform’s).
During this practical session participants will be taught the basics of “How to interpret hieroglyphs” and they will be able to experience first hand what it was like to write in an ancient format, (hieroglyphs and cuneiform’s)  using the same materials as the ancient Egypt scribes

Eligibility: Suitable for KS2
Contact details: For further information email


Workshop Reference  No.Ae/WO2
Course title: ancient Egypt – Mummification
Length of Workshop:90 minutes
Workshop Programme: This workshop looks closely at the history and purpose behind the 70 day mummification process in ancient Egypt, and the different stages of mummy fashion that was introduced during the era. During this practical session participants will be able to design and produce their own mummy mask.
Eligibility: Suitable for KS2
Contact details: For further information email


Workshop Reference No: Ae/WO3
course title: Art in ancient Egypt
Length of Workshop: 90 minutes
Workshop programme:
This workshop will be investigating the guidelines and special techniques that were used by ancient Egypt artists. The workshop will also be looking closely at the history of ancient Egyptian art and studying some of its famous art treasures. During this practical participants will be given the opportunity to paint and re- create popular pieces of ancient Egyptian art.

Eligibility: Suitable for KS2
Contact details: For further information email



Workshop Reference No: Ae/WO4
Course Title: Daily Life
Length of Workshop: 90 minutes
Workshop programme: This workshop will be looking closely at daily life in ancient Egypt. Using archaeological data discovered in the Workmen’s Villages at Deir-el- Medina and El-Amarna, and in the tomb of the boy king Tuntankhamun, participants will he the opportunity to obtain an insight into the daily routines of this ancient Egypt society, at home, work and at play. During the practical session participants will have the opportunity to copy and reproduce jewellery  originally created by the ancient Egyptians.
Eligibility: Suitable for KS2
Contact details: For further information email


Workshop Reference No. Ae/WO5
Course Title: Land and Resources
Length of Workshop:
90 minutes

Workshop programme: During this workshop students will be able to discuss and analyse the location of ancient Egypt and its surrounding geography. Participants will also be examining the types of resources that were readily available to the ancient Egyptians, e.g. raw materials: agriculture: food plants: domestic animals: birds and the River Nile.
Eligibility: Suitable for any age
Contact Details: For further information email


Workshop Reference No. Ae/WO6
Course Title: Religion
Length of Workshop:
90 minutes

Workshop programme: Participants will be discussing the different gods that existed in the ancient Egyptian pantheon, the way the ancient Egyptians worshipped them, the ancient creation story, and the ancient Egyptian obsession with the afterlife.
Eligibility: Suitable for any age
Contact Details: For further information email

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