Ancient Egypt Key Stage 2   – National Curriculum


The aims and objectives of the Key Stage 2  ancient Egypt history syllabus is as follows:

Student will be required to

Acquire a chronological understanding  .. Have a knowledge and understanding of events…learn about people and changes in the past…Look at historical interpretation….Analyse organisation and communication…Discuss historical enquiry


To help teachers with their ancient Egypt projects has provided students with two free worksheets, which we hope will give them some fun  learning. Enjoy



Note: Click on links below for free worksheets

Free KS2 Ancient Egypt Wordsearch Worksheet

Free Tutankhamun Worksheet Quiz- KS2 Students questions and Teachers Notes

King Tutankhamun





Nebamun’s ancient Egypt

“Nebamun’s Tomb”

These wall paintings are from the tomb of a nobleman named Nebamun. Nebamun’s tomb was built around 1400 B.C. near the town of Thebes

Click on BRITISH MUSEUM then the second link and explore each picture




TUTANKHAMUN – Anatomy of an Exhibition

Click on link below


This website will give you and your students the opportunity to have access to some amazing photographs relating to the Tutankhamun ancient Egypt expedition from the archives of the Griffiths Institute located within the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. It will also provide you with a complete record of Howard Carter’s excavation of the ancient Egypt tomb of Tutankhamun .  All the documentation, which is presented in its original form has kindly been made available by the Griffith Institute to scholars, interested members of the public and school students with the hope that it will help to bring the knowledge and love of ancient Egypt to everyone.





EGYPTIAN TOMB WALL – ancient Egypt topic

A short video 2.14 in length providing an animation of an ancient Egypt tomb wall and its characters as they come to life. Great fun  for all ages and great sound track.




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